Advanced Multi System Implant Placement

Advanced Multi System Implant Placement

Advanced Multi-System Implant Placement also known as dental implants provides a long-term solution for missing teeth. Different types of implants exist to meet the needs of different patients. Endosteal implants, for example, are inserted into the jawbone and are typically used for single tooth restorations. In case the patient does not have sufficient bone, short implants often provide the perfect solution. Each patient’s needs are different and require a different system of implants that best suits them.

Dental implants come in a variety of types and sizes that are designed to fit each patient’s individual needs. Different implants are used for different reasons, and the type of implant used depends on the individual’s needs. For example, if a patient has an area of bone loss that needs to be addressed, a short implant may be used to provide stability and support for crown/prosthesis. On the other hand, if the patient has a small area of bone loss, a smaller diameter implant may be used. Additionally, certain implants are designed to be more aesthetically pleasing than others. Each patient’s unique situation will determine the type of implant they receive. It is important to discuss these options with your dentist to determine the best implant for your specific needs. Doctor A. Hellge at Advanced Care Dentistry will be able to assess your needs and advise which implant type will be best suited for you.

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