Emergency Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ

A Dental emergency can arise suddenly and require prompt attention to alleviate pain, prevent further complications, and preserve oral health. Common dental emergencies include severe toothaches, chipped or broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, and injuries to the gums or soft tissues of the mouth. If you experience a dental emergency, it’s crucial to contact our office immediately for guidance and urgent care. We prioritize emergency cases and strive to accommodate patients promptly. Our skilled dental team is experienced in managing various dental emergencies with compassion and expertise, ensuring that you receive the necessary treatment to restore comfort and functionality to your smile.

Don’t delay seeking help in a dental emergency—reach out to us right away so we can provide the care you need.

How You Can Prepare For A Dental Emergency?

Being prepared for a dental emergency can help you respond swiftly and effectively to unexpected oral health issues. Here are five key steps to prepare for a dental emergency:

  • Know Your Dentist’s Contact Information: Keep your dentist’s phone number and after-hours emergency contact information easily accessible in case of an urgent dental issue.
  • Create a Dental Emergency Kit: Assemble a dental first aid kit containing items such as gauze, a small container with a lid, over-the-counter pain relievers (like ibuprofen), and saline solution for cleaning wounds or preserving a knocked-out tooth.
  • Educate Yourself on Basic Emergency Procedures: Learn how to handle common dental emergencies, such as a knocked-out tooth (store it in milk or saliva), severe toothache (rinse mouth with warm water and floss to remove debris), or a broken tooth (rinse mouth and apply cold compress).
  • Understand When to Seek Immediate Care: Recognize signs of a dental emergency that require immediate attention, such as severe pain, excessive bleeding, swelling, or a knocked-out tooth.
  • Maintain Good Oral Health: Regularly brush and floss your teeth, attend routine dental check-ups, and address any dental issues promptly to reduce the risk of dental emergencies related to untreated dental problems.

Here Are Common Dental Emergencies And Their Corresponding Actions:

  • Toothache:

    • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
    • Use dental floss to remove any food particles stuck between teeth.
    • Take over-the-counter pain relievers if needed.
    • Contact your dentist for an appointment to diagnose and treat the cause.


  • Knocked-Out Tooth:

    • Handle the tooth by the crown (avoid touching the root).
    • Rinse the tooth gently with water if dirty, but do not scrub or remove any tissue attached.
    • Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket if possible, otherwise, place it in a container of milk or saliva.
    • Seek immediate dental care within 30 minutes for the best chance of saving the tooth.


  • Chipped or Broken Tooth:

    • Save any broken pieces of the tooth.
    • Rinse mouth with warm water to clean the area.
    • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
    • Contact your dentist promptly for evaluation and repair.


  • Lost Dental Filling or Crown:

    • Avoid chewing on the affected side of the mouth.
    • Use dental cement or temporary dental filling material (available at pharmacies) to cover the exposed tooth surface temporarily.
    • Schedule an appointment with your dentist to replace or repair the filling or crown.


  • Abscess or Swollen Gums:

    • Rinse mouth with warm salt water to reduce pain and draw out pus.
    • Take over-the-counter pain relievers if needed.
    • Seek immediate dental care to treat the underlying infection and prevent complications.

How We Help You Relax For Your Dental Emergency

At our office, we understand that dental emergencies can be stressful, and we prioritize your comfort and peace of mind during these situations. We offer a calm and supportive environment where our compassionate dental team strives to help you relax and feel at ease. During a dental emergency, we use various techniques to alleviate anxiety, such as gentle communication, explaining procedures clearly, and providing pain management options like local anesthesia or sedation if needed. Our goal is to ensure your comfort and confidence throughout the emergency visit, addressing your concerns promptly and effectively while delivering the highest quality of care. Trust our experienced team to guide you through the emergency with compassion and professionalism, making your well-being our top priority.