

Exosomes are small, membrane-bound particles that are secreted by cells as part of normal cell function and metabolism. They have a variety of functions related to cell-to-cell communication, and are being investigated for potential roles in a wide range of medical  treatments, such as cancer and heart disease. Exosomes are thought to be able to carry a variety of molecules, including messenger Ribonucleic Acid, proteins, and other substances, from one cell to another. This process of exosome communication is being studied as a potential way to deliver therapeutic agents to specific target cells. In addition, exosomes are thought to play a role in immune system regulation and in the regulation of inflammation. 

Exosomes are a type of cell that can be directed to target a particular organ or area in the body. In dentistry, there are several different types of exosomes that can be used for different treatments. For example, Periexosomes are commonly used for periodontal treatments. According to scientific research, exosomes are 100 times more effective than PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) in delivering therapeutic effects to the targeted area. This makes exosomes a highly effective tool in the field of dentistry as well.

Due to the new treatment, exosomes may be a costly addition.

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